




I’m a Product Design Leader focused on building and fostering culturally rich and passionately productive teams that lead organizationally with innovative, strategic thinking. I'm focused on business value derived from what users want and need.

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Selected work I've created

a Blockchain-based Social media platform brought to launch
» Featured Project: 01

During my time at, not only did I grow the Product Design team in size and recognition within the company, but I lead the initiative of buidling a social media application on the blockchain. At it's inception, Voice was born to be a different take on social media - free of bots and full of real, authentic content. All of this packaged on the blockchain, substantiating new and unique revenue streams for content creators and viewers.

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» Featured Project: 02

Gatorade wanted to celebrate it’s 50th Anniversary with a HUGE sweepstakes. It had to be 50 prizes of something.. so why not 50 experiences with Gatorade Athletes!? With a typical Under-the-Cap promotional framework, we needed a website that captured the excitement, essence and breadth of all the Athlete amazingness. Sweat With the Best.

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Images of the Gatorade - Sweat with the Best project
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Clients I've had the fortune of working with